Deans and Chairs
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Current Faculty
Current faculty by college, department, rank, and other attributes including faculty senate voting eligibility.
Undergraduate Persistence and Forward Migration by Entering Area
This dashboard details the persistence (retention and gradation) for entering new undergraduate students. It details the college, department, or program of students in their entry term and shows the number and percent subsequently earning a degree within that respective unit/program, and if not, the academic unit/program in which a student did earn a degree.
Undergraduate Degree-Earners Reverse Curriculum Path
This dashboard tracks undergraduate degree earners from graduation backward through their respective previous term enrollments by college, department and major. This dashboard shows the students' migration to the degree-earning academic area.
Undergraduate Cohort Progression
The Cohort Progression Dashboard looks at New First-Year and New Transfer students who started in the fall and spring semesters from fall 2017 to the present to determine their current status.
Graduate Student Persistence Overall and by Program - Updated for Fall 2024
This dashboard details new graduate student persistence (retention and graduation) by their entering term and program (beginning on tab 3). This is a persistence and graduation rate by program and only includes students who persisted and/or graduated in the same program they began.
Pass - DFW Rates
This dashboard displays Pass/DFW rates for individual courses from fall 2015 to current. Filters include course attributes as well as student attributes. Use the 'Term Select' filter in the upper left-hand corner to see specific term outcomes.
Grade Summary and Distributions Updated for Spring 2024
Average course GPA and grade distributions calculated per term. Filters include college, department and course details.
Course Seat Projections - Updated for Spring 2025
Course seat projections for graduate and undergraduate, main campus and App State Online, projections by college, department and course.
Undergraduate Enrollment Projections - Updated for Spring 2025
Undergraduate enrollment projections include both main campus and App State Online students. The undergraduate enrollment projections are consistent with and used for determining the accompanying course seat projections.
DegreeWorks Student Planning
This dashboard uses the data from a student's most recent curriculum audit to allow the user to apply multiple student and course-level filters to identify future course needs. This dashboard includes future need courses including controlling for courses in-progress and transfer credit.
Course and Credit History
Using filters and current enrollment, determine how many majors have and have not earned course credit in specific courses.
Department Quadrant Analysis of Undergraduate Degree-Earners - Entering and Final Department
This dashboard shows the percentage of new students earning a degree in their entering department and the percentage of this population for all degree-earners in the same department. This dashboard highlighted which departments have significant in/out-migration and those that do not.
Retention Tracking & Credit Hour Comparison - Updated for Fall 2023
A comparison of new undergraduate student credit hours at census vs. current credit hours enrolled to date. The dashboard also monitors cohort retention rates with indicators for current credit hour status and other enrollment details.
Undergraduate New Cohort Credit Benchmarks
Tracking entering new undergraduate cohorts reaching credit hour amounts (>=30 after year 1, >=60 after year 2, >=90 after year 3).
Course Seat Enrollment by Student Major
A detailed summary of course seat enrollment by student major & concentration. Filters include course related attributes as well as student attributes (career, class level, etc).
Graduating Senior Survey - Deans
Each semester, IRAP administers a graduating senior survey seeking graduate satisfaction in various areas of the University. Please contact us with any questions or special requests regarding the senior survey.
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